Sep 6, 2013

Treatment of Skin Irritations and Rashes on the Face Naturally

5:50 AM
Treatment of Skin Irritations and Rashes
Treatment of skin irritations and rashes on the face naturally. Skin irritation is a symptom in which the skin red, itchy, dry and inflamed. Irritation also makes the skin rash, chapped, bumps, pain and burning sensation. Some things that cause irritation are make-up, detergents, soap, hot or cold weather also synthetic dyes. Irritation can also be caused by chemicals in cosmetics, jewelry, latex products, insects and furry pets.

To resolve itching due to irritation you can consume enough water. Water is believed to have anti-inflammatory that helps to keep skin healthy and treat dehydration. However, plain water is less perfect, and the following natural ingredients that will help you in overcoming skin irritation:

1. Olive Oil
For this oil does have tremendous benefits. To overcome skin irritation, you can take a teaspoon of olives oil to rubbed on the affected part of eczema. And to note, that you use olive oil is olive oil which still pure and does not contain a mixture of chemicals.

2. Tea
To treat inflammation caused by minor burns due to irritation you may be able to use green tea and black tea. Its use is quite easy, you just need to soak a small towel or soft cloth into the tea cool. Then compress on the affected skin irritation.

3. Salt and Neem Oil
Treatment of Skin Irritations and Rashes
Neem Oil
Acne is a sign your skin become irritated. And to overcome them you can use neem oil and salt. You just need to mix the salt and neem oil then apply on the acne. Leave for 10 minutes then rinse with water. After that, you can apply plain yoghurt, let stand for 30 minutes and then wash with water. Salt acts as a natural antiseptic and neem oil as an anti-fungal, so this herb may be functioning well. While yogurt contains lactic acid which serves as an exfoliating the skin, thus providing a natural bright color. Additionally, yoghurt can also clean the acne scars.

4. Tomatoes
Besides containing vitamins A and C, tomatoes also contain antioxidants that can fight free radicals. You can make your tomato juice to drink, where the tomato juice can cleanse the skin and oils that cause acne due to skin irritation.

You can also use the tomatoes to the face mask material. How, crushed tomatoes until smooth, apply evenly on the face. Let stand for one hour to natural substances and acid from the tomatoes will work optimally. Then rinse with warm water.

Tomatoes can also be used to reduce the effects of sunburn. By mixing 2 teaspoons of tomato that has been smoothed with 4 tablespoons of buttermilk. Apply to all parts of the body exposed to the sun, wait 30 minutes, then rinse clean.

That tips for skin care rashes and irritation on the face naturally. Hopefully this article useful, please read other articles beauty tips, on Tips For You.

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